
notes-933111_1280One of the areas of ERP4all (Thailand) co. Ltd is not only the distribution of MiCLAS.X as well as its implementation, but also the creation of bookkeeping. We have searched for suitable software for controlling the company over the years. We did not really find a product, which depicts the Thai rules of accounting and at the same time enables evaluations for the control of the company according to a German standard.

This induced us in the end to extend our own software by these functions. Developed, tried and tested in real use our financial module was produced in MiCLAS.X. It was hereby made possible to minimise the “hard work” (withholding tax forms, etc.) and at the same time to accommodate the data in a BWA, which can also be read by the shareholders.

One should not assume as many companies to give up this part of the monitoring with the reference that things are different in the foreign country than with our and the control is not possible. Evaluations are screwed together in painstaking precision work in Excel and the trust in these evaluations falls from month to month or you admit to being defeated and let the things take their course.

Only large companies can allow themselves an international accounting. At least that is what the majority believe. However, this is a false conclusion. We have created the solution.

We offer a comprehensive programme at this point:

  • Creation of the financial accounting according to Thai law
  • Creation of the financial accounting according to a German evaluation standard
  • Access to the data at all times via a secured remote access

If a company is just founding its branch, investments will be incurred, which have to be covered. Among others also the acquisition of ERP software. We also have the solution here:

  • Rent your ERP software.
  • Maintenance and service will be provided by us
  • Always up-to-date
  • Access to the data at all times via a secured remote access
  • The data do not lie in a “Cloud”, but on a named server. (Also in Germany)

Do you want a comprehensive package? We offer this. Please ask us.